Fr420 (CHF)


- 1.1 Delivery room - Children who, for various reasons, have lost heat after delivery and need to be warmed up quickly - After Caesarean section - Very low birth weight or premature babies who do not, however, require intensive care services - On the resuscitation or examination table, to provide warmth from below - In rooms with low temperatures. - 1.2 During transport of newborn babies inside the hospital - The water temperature drops by 1.5°C per hour when the power is disconnected and the baby is normally covered. - 1.3 During transport by ambulance (land or air) - The KanMed Baby Warmer is designed to be powered by 12 or 24 volt batteries. During transport, it will keep the Baby warm and act as a cosy "shock absorber". NOTE: When used with 12-volt batteries, the warming capacity is reduced. - 1.4 In the maternity ward, it enables many babies to stay with their mothers. - For babies between 2000 and 2500 grams, born only after 35/38 weeks, who are unable to maintain a normal body temperature in the first few days after birth, the KanMed Baby Warmer brings them back to a normal temperature, enabling them to stay in contact with their mother. - Difficult, stressed and screaming babies often find a calm, relaxed environment in the KanMed Baby Warmer, as it reproduces the warmth and contact of the mother, while relieving her of her fatigue. - 1.5 Neonatal intensive care - The use of the KanMed Baby Warmer reduces the time spent in the incubator. - The KanMed Baby Warmer can replace the incubator when the Baby's main need is to be rewarmed, and when only limited monitoring is required. - Very low-weight babies (600-1000 grams) may have difficulty maintaining a normal temperature even inside an incubator (especially in older single-wall units). Placing the KanMed Baby Warmer inside the incubator will increase heat transfer. Before doing so, always check with the manufacturer and/or the hospital's technical department. Some modern incubators may go into alarm. NOTE: The function and regulation of temperature are not influenced by the incubator. Recommended for children in need of gentle warmth, such as those suffering from Hydrocephalus, fractures and headaches after forceps or suction delivery, or simple tummy aches. - 1.6 Phototherapy - In the case of simple hepatitis, the child need not be sent to an intensive care unit. Phototherapy can be applied in the KanMed Baby Warmer using an exposure ramp.


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