Fr22,942 (CHF)


Full-Field Digital Mammography - Ergonomic design for patients and operators - Innovative technology and design - Optimum image quality - The Giotto Image 3DL's motorized movements with isocentric height control and customizable automatic sequences speed up the examination procedure. - Working with the GIOTTO IMAGEL 3DL is quick and easy. It meets the expectations of large mammography departments with high patient throughput, such as screening centers. Four strategically-placed control points on the unit allow manual or automatic movement control, wherever you are. With the GIOTTO IMAGEL 3DL, positioning is more comfortable and flexible than with any other mammography device. You can position yourself conventionally (at the patient's side) or facing her: you'll find it faster and more efficient. You can use either option depending on the patient's anatomy: the aim is to optimize the quality of the result quickly and efficiently. - The human body is in 3D, as are the GIOTTO's movements! The circular hoop makes it easy to adapt to every woman's anatomy. Women with reduced mobility appreciate this unique feature: the Giotto tilts towards them for easier mammography positioning. - The inclined hoop offers greater comfort for the patient leaning over the bucky. This position allows the pectoral muscle to relax and up to 2 cm more breast tissue can be compressed and visualized, enabling a better diagnosis. - The GIOTTO IMAGEL 3DL is not supplied with handles. Holding on to them contracts the pectoral muscle, causing the breast to retract: gravity reduces this effect. - The Giotto Image 3DL comes with an SCS (Sensitive Compression System) designed to reduce patient discomfort during breast compression. The computer determines the compression speed according to the detected breast density. Made in Italy


Stock Number8311