Fr2,100 (CHF)


Consists of : 1 Stainless steel box, 35 x 18 x 8 cm 1 Holtex scalpel blades, n°15, sterile, box of 100 1 Reverdin needle, medium, 20 cm, very curved 1 Smillie meniscus chisel, straight edge, 17 cm 1 Smillie meniscus chisel, right-edge, 17 cm 1 Smillie meniscus chisel, left-edge, 17 cm 1 Mayo scissors, straight, 16 cm 1 Mayo scissors, curved, 16 cm 1 Metzembaum scissors, straight, 18 cm 1 Volkmann Bone Curette, 17 cm, dia. 6 mm 1 Volkmann Bone Curette, 17 cm, dia. 8 mm 1 Bistoury handle n°3, long 1 Farabeuf Retractor, 15 cm x 16 mm, pair 1 Smillie-Trillat Knee Retractor, very curved, narrow 1 Smillie-Trillat Knee Retractor, bent, short 2 Volkmann Spreader, foam, with 3 teeth, 21 cm 1 Adson elevator, 17 cm 2 Kocher Forceps, straight, A/G, 14 cm 4 Backhauss field clamp, 12 cm 6 Kelly forceps, S/G, straight, 14 cm 4 Leriche forceps, straight, A/G, 15 cm 2 Péan Murphy forceps, 16 cm 1 Dissection forceps, A/G, 20 cm 1 Dissection forceps, S/G, 20 cm 2 Mayo-Hégar needle holders, 18 cm 1 Beyer Gouge forceps, double-jointed, 18 cm, 3.5 mm jaw 1 Dingman cartilage forceps, 18.5 cm 1 Martin cartilage forceps, 19 cm 1 Lambotte Periosteal Elevator, 21 cm x 10 mm


Stock Number3163