Fr2,310 (CHF)

Available quantity:10


Consists of : 1 Stainless steel box, 35 x 18 x 8 cm 2 Mac Even chisels, 20 cm x 20 mm 1 Mayo scissors, straight, 16 cm 1 Mayo scissors, curved, 16 cm 1 Pointed scissors, curved, 11.5 cm 1 Fine Dermatological Curette, solid, 16 cm x 1 mm 1 Fine Dermatological Curette, solid, 16 cm x 2 mm 1 Fine Dermatological Curette, solid, 16 cm x 3 3 Volkmann Bone Curette, double, 14 cm 1 Volkmann Bone Curette, double, 20 cm 1 Bistoury Handle n°3 1 Farabeuf Retractor, 12 cm x 12 mm, pair 1 Alm Retractor, 10 cm 1 Weitlaner retractor, 13 cm, 4 x 3 claws 1 Adson Elevator, 17 cm 1 piece 2 Instruments pin, 12 cm 3 Pear gouge, 16 cm x 2 mm 1 Doyen mallet, 21 cm, 200 g, 1 head, stainless steel 1 Troeltsch, Politzer ENT forceps, 14 cm, S/G 12 Crab field forceps, 9 cm 1 Hartmann forceps, 9 cm, curved, S/G 12 Leriche forceps, curved, A/G, 15 cm 1 Dissection forceps, S/G, fine, pointed, 16 cm 1 Dissection forceps, A/G, fine, 16 cm 1 Mayo-Hégar needle holder, 16 cm 1 De Martel T-clamp, 16 cm 1 Citelli otology tweezers 1 Gouge Luer forceps, single-jointed, curved 17 cm, 8 mm jaw 1 Ruskin Gouge forceps, double-jointed, 5 mm jaw, 18 cm curve 2 Farabeuf forceps, straight, 15 cm x 6 mm 1 Farabeuf rongeur, curved, 15 cm x 6 mm 2 IS02414 Grooved probe, 14 cm 1 Olivaire stylet, 14 cm, single 1 Vacher nasal speculum, windowed, adult, 9 mm


Stock Number3059
1 hartmann speculum, for ent, set of 4 pcs3; 3.5; 4 and 5,