Fr2,257 (CHF)

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1. CE approved by FDA 2. Standard configuration: 3/5 lead ECG SpO2 NIBP Temp REEE PR network rechargeable Lithium battery 3. Optional configuration: Double Temp Double IBP thermal printer 12 lead ECG AND CO2 (general public/side smoke) wall mount cart 1. 12.1 polegada high-brightness TFT LCD screen, large digit display 2. Ergonomic design, portable, easy to use. 3. Simultaneous display of 7 ECG leads via one frame 4. Real-time ST segment and arrhythmia analysis 5. Date and waveform colors are adjustable 6. Unique digital SpO2 technology can work during precise movement and low perfusion 7. 96-hour charts and trend graphs and date storage 8. Compatible and Auto identify 3-lead and 5-lead ECG cable 9. Dual-wire NIBP pressure protection 10. Insulated floating, anti-defibrillation and anti-high-frequency interference protection 11. Dual-wire NIBP pressure protection 12. Networking with central monitoring system, up to 64 beds in one group 13. Multi-language: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish 1. 5-lead or 3-lead selectable 2. Input: 5-lead: RA; LA; RL; LL; V or R; L; N; F; C 6. Protection: withstand 4000VAC/50Hz Voltage in insulation against electro and defibrillation 9. Alarm range: Adult: 15-300bpm 12. S-T detection: Yes, arrhythmia analysis: YES NIBP 5. Measurement range: Adult: 10-270mmHg SpO2 3. 0-69% not specified Respiration 3. Alarm range: adult: 6-120 RPM Temperature


Stock Number6692
3. delivery selectionI; II; III; AVR; AVL; AVF; VX; cal
4. gain selection12.5 mm/s, 25 mm/s, 50 mm/s
5. precision1bpm or 1% , whichever is greater
7. calibration signal1mv5%
8. operating modesdiagnosis, monitoring, surgery
10. pediatric/neonatal15-350bpm
11. alarm range-2.0mV-2.0mV
13. alarmYes, audible and visual alarm, revocable alarm events
1. methodImpedance RA-LL
2. operating modesmanual/automatic/STAT
3. unit of measurementmmHg/kPa selectable
4. measurement typessystolic, diastolic, average
6. overpressure protectionYes
7. resolution1 mmHg
8. precisionmean error and standard deviation per ANSI/AAMI sp-10 standard
9. alarmsystolic, diastolic, average
1. measuring range0-100%
2. precision2 digits (70 ~ 100% )
4. alarm range0-100%
2. pediatric/neonatal6-150 rpm
4. pediatric/neonatal6-150 rpm
5. apnea alarmYES
1. resolution0.1 degrees centigrade
2. channeldual-channel
3. alarm range0-50 degrees centigrade