Fr1,200 (CHF)

Available quantity:10


Fast, precise analysis system With 3-wire synchro analysis, QRS search can be more accurate There are over 10 calibers as atrial premature beat module, ventricular premature beat module, long interval module, atrial float module, Recorder devices: With advanced design and technology, the recorder can operate stably, safe and durable Be equipped with anti-jamming and shock-pro capabilities. Small volume with OLED screen. Resolution is 160*128. Be equipped with waveform prediction, record review and event registration functions. Precise record start time due to its own real-time clock. Avoid damage due to repetition insertion and extraction by using the built-in TF card for data storage Maximum capacity can be 2GB, so original data can be saved perfectly through no compression The average review time of the single case can be less than 40 seconds using the USB 2.0 interface. Record waveform details inextenso by design of high precision and sampling frequency Record stimulator status exactly through higher sampling frequency Software features : atrial fibrillation module etc. and multiplicate user-defined calibrations have been able to identify almost every kind of pathological waveform Optional main channel Agile and accurate "atrial fibrillation" analysis The surveying analysis function was able to analyze all pacemakers Many pacine modules have been added Any single-wire or 3-wire ECG period can be reviewed at any time with the fast waveform review and analysis function Hourly variability analysis system types include five minutes of short ECG and one hour or $2$4$ hours of long ECG. Advantageous printout report Perfect case management function. With the function of street segment analysis and general charge of heart muscle disorder, the physician can judge a disease or disorder of heart muscle disorder. With the "Sleep Breath Pause Syndrome Analysis" function, the doctor could print out the sleep asphyxia analysis report and diagnose it. HRT" analysis, when adjustable function is normal, this transient change will be represented by the HRT form immediately. 15. The "t-wave alternation" analysis is an important index on judging and preventing arrhythmia Standard :


Stock Number2586
Number of channels3 channels;
Withholding rate10000Hz;
Sampling accuracy12bit;
Recording time24 hours;
Power2 batteries in size 5;
Balance voltage1mV±5%;
Standard sensitivity10mm/mV±5%;
Noise level≤30µV
Low-frequency feathersConstant time>3.2s;
Scan speed25mm/s±5%;
Polarization voltage resistance±300mV;
The smallest measurement signal50 µV p-p;
Type of product safetyType B (internally powered);
Net weight102g (without battery).